FXRollOut Widget
By Petri Hodju & Bill Baxter
This is a collapsible rollout widget for the FOX toolkit, like those used in 3DStudio MAX and available
in the GLUI
Download the source code and an example Win32 exe:
The code was built and tested on WinXP with MSVC 6.0, and FOX 1.1.46.
Should work with most any FOX 1.1.x version, but not with FOX
If you have any problems, suggestions, patches let
me know.
Also let me know if you find this useful!
Most of the functionality in this widget comes from Petri's hard work,
but I've cleaned it up and made the API a little more flexible, and
also tinkered with the looks and interaction so that it looks more like
the equivalent 3DSMAX and GLUI rollout widgets, which are both very
nicely done, in my opinion.
If you're interested in my other free code check here.
Finally, some screenshots!